Less Than Human

by Sankinator on March 23, 2011

A so-called friend used to tell me I was “never gonna make it as a human being”. I concur simply for reason I feel less than human most days. Maybe that’s a bit over the top.

Or is it?

I have thoughts like everyone else and I know I’m not in a minority when I say I have thoughts I would never repeat out loud. Could you imagine?

Lately, I’ve felt lower than the underbelly of a fecal eating symbiont microorganism on an oozing pimple of pond scum’s throbbing, dingle-berry covered hemorrhoid. That’s low, is it not?

There comes a time when you realize you have reached your full potential in one area or another. It’s at that very moment you look the cross roads right in the eyes and decided what’s next. You can lay down like I have on occasion or you can stand tall, keep your chin up, stick your chest out and proclaim “I am man, I shall survive one way or another!”, which I too have done. life‘s reply comes in many different types of messages and you have to have the ability to translate properly.

What am I trying to say here? I have no fucking idea. I really thought I had some profound message to deliver this morning.

Truth is, this is one of life’s little messages, “you are not smart enough to go it alone and stand above others, so shut the fuck up!”

Par for the course! At least that’s the one positive I can see here.

Che… ahhhh fuck off!

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Donna Sankey March 23, 2011 at 2:30 pm

I dearly love reading your little slice of the internet. Quit fighting it and get the job done and you will be less frustated. I know that you know all about the right brain and left brain and when the need arises to use the switchover, so let go of the right brain side and let the left brain side take over.
Love You


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