I want it, and I want it now!

by Sankinator on February 22, 2011

I’ve read the buzz, I watched the last 2 minutes of the press conference (maybe I should have watched the whole thing) and I long for change.

Mr. Pegula, you have rode into our city waving the “change” placard all about. You’ve scoop up a team that is beginning to stumble over it’s own skates.

The ice that is the fan base is weakening and starting to crack. Are you the Zamboni?

As a Sabres fan, I’m so excited that I feel like I just got a glimpse of Santa one week before Christmas. Seriously, think about it. It really is one week before Sabres fans could receive some of the best presents ever!

Mr. Pegula, can I climb up on your lap and ask for the gift all fans want? I want a serious run at a playoff spot this year. I want a real, NHL style, go for it all and make it kind of year, next year.

Show us how serious you are. Make some real changes now! Get setup for next year. I can’t for one solitary second believe that none of you, not you, not your closest advisors nor the current front office have no idea what needs to happen right now! If that’s the case, then maybe I should become a fan of another team!

Please forgive me if I seem a little skeptical after watching the last few minutes of the press conference and heard you use the “foot half in the door” excuse to side step a lot of important questions. A little un-nerving to say the least!

Is the current front office that oblivious to the needs of this team that you stumbled on some very easy questions? You should have been forewarned and I implore you to smack them upside the back of the head next time they leave you hanging like that. Shame on them!

You’ve been watching all along haven’t you? You had to be! Tell me I’m right sir, before I start running scared. Who in their right might mind would spend $189 million without having a plan in place?

Tell me you’re not a drunken sailor on a weekend furlough!

Tell me you’re the Zamboni that’s here to clear the ice and make anew!

Don’t pussy foot around, tell the organization what to do! Don’t worry about huritng feelings, they don’t care as long as they get paid. Tell them how it is! It’s time to stop being a farm club!

Tell Darcy to stop waiting for the real players to be scooped up and taken. Tell Darcy to get in there and fight for what we deserve!

We’ve (Buffalo Sabres Fans) supported this team through the good and the bad, but the team still hasn’t reached for the stars! When does the organization reach for the stars?

Stand up and tell the NHL, “We are no longer your farm club!” Tell the NHL we mean business and will not take no for an answer any longer!

Tell them with action! Action, Mr. Pegula, Action!

We’re done waiting and we’re ready! Let us finally drink from the Holy Grail of hockey!!

Thank you Mr. Terrence Pegula and welcome to Buffalo!

P.S. yes, it’s true, I cannot afford season tickets.

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